After graduating in medicine from the University of Rome in 1896 and being the first woman in Italy to do so Maria Montessori was appointed assistant doctor at the psychiatric clinic of the University of Rome, where she became interested in the educational problems of intellectually disabled children.
Between 1899 and 1901 she served as director of the State Orthophrenic School of Rome, where her methods proved extremely successful. From 1896 to 1906 she held a chair in hygiene at a women’s college in Rome, and from 1900 to 1907 she lectured in pedagogy at the University of Rome, holding a chair in anthropology from 1904 to 1908. During these years she continued her studies of philosophy, psychology, and education. In 1907, Dr. Montessori opened the first Casa dei Bambini in Rome putting many different activities and materials into the children’s environment and observed the children’s use of them.
She kept only those materials that engaged them. She came to realise that children placed in an environment with activities designed to support their natural development, had the power to educate themselves.
Dr. Maria Montessori died May 6, 1952, Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands leaving behind her unique legacy of child-centered education.
Learn more about our programs based on the method developed by Dr. Maria Montessori.